Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Homemade All Natural Liquid Laundry Soap!

Hi All!

So as the tittle says, today's post is going to be about my homemade ALL NATURAL liquid laundry soap! 

I have lots of pics and details so i'm just gunna jump right in!

So what you will need is:

That's it!

The washing soda you can find on the laundry soap isle in pretty much any grocery store. 
I paid under 4 dollars for it.

The Kirk's castile soap, i found on the body wash isle in Walmart. 
You get 3 bars for like 3.49 i believe, super steal!!

Quick side note:
If you are not familiar castile soap is, its an all natural bar soap that you can pretty much use on anything and everything you can think of!

This is a staple in our home! I make all kinds of things with it!
Watch out for those Recipes! 

Ok, back to the Laundry soap!

So what you are going to do first is grate up the entire bar of soap.

I actually enjoyed this part cause the soap smells sooooo good, even if it did take me a bit!

So next you are going to want to put the grated soap into a container that can handle HOT water, i used a mason jar.

Then add 2 cups of HOT water to melt the soap into liquid.
What i did was just used my espresso machine to get the water nice and hot!
A coffee pot would work great too!

(If you are going to use your coffee pot, go ahead and fill it all the way up, you are going to be using a lot of hot water for this)

So while that sits and melts all the way, grab a bowl and add 1/2 cup table salt and 1 1/2 cup of the washing soda, mix it together.
Next add 2 cups of hot water to the bowl with the salt and washing soda.
Now it wont dissolve it all the way but it will help break it down.

So set that aside and go back to the soap. 
Poor out 1 cup of the liquid soap, you are going to be adding more water, so i just put it into another bowl, just like the orange one above.
Add 3 more cups of hot water.

(be sure not to skip this step! at first i thought it was silly and i almost skipped it! So glad i didn't, there is a small reaction when you add the soap to the salt/soda mixture, making the soap start to gel up, so the extra water is much needed!)

Now add them together!
Poor slowly and mix well as you go.

Looks neat when you add them!

A wisk is perfect for mixing these!

Make sure you mix it well!
As i said above, the soap will start to gel up so stir stir stir!

Next what you will want to do is start adding the mixture to your 1 gallon container.
What i did was add a cup of mixture then add about 2 cups of hot water and either shake, like i did, or stir! 
Just depends on what kind of container you are using.

You will want to do that until you have filled up your gallon container.

I used a gallon tea container that i had around the house. 
Works perfectly!

After you have filled your gallon container, it will take a bit for the mixture to dissolve all the way, mine took about 15 mins or so.

You will also have to keep shaking it up as it cools, i shook it just whenever i remembered.
As the hot water cools, the mixture will thicken and become a gel type consistency.

Mine turned out kinda chunky, i don't think i shook it up enough.

Don't worry if yours does the same! It is still perfect to use, just doesn't look very pretty.

*Also, you can add an essential oil for a more distinct smell if you would like, i am going to do that next time.

Maybe this one:

Smells so gooood!

Ok, so when you are ready to use it on some clothes, the recommended amount is 1/2 cup for a full, lightly soiled load of clothes.
3/4 cup for a full, pretty soiled load.
Of course you can adjust this however you see fit.

I use about a half cup and i add it to water (works for cold, warm or hot water) in the bottom before i add clothes in. 

I LOOOVE how it has been cleaning my clothes.
Makes them smell so good, even without the essential oil.
Makes them feel so soft and even look brighter!

No nasty chemicals!

I made this a few weeks ago and have barely put a dent into the amount in the container!
I do laundry pretty regularly!
So this will last you a while!

I have also noticed that i don't need any dryer sheets when i put them into the dryer. 
How cool is that?!

Hope you enjoyed this post!

If you end up giving this a try, be sure to let me know!!

If you have ANY questions, please don't hesitate to ask below or Email me!!

I will also be doing a powdered laundry soap recipe soon, so keep an eye out!!


1 cup Liquid Castile Soap.

1/2 cup Table Salt.

1 1/2 cup Washing Soda.

Lots of hot water.

1 Gallon Container. 

 photo kynasig_zpsbcae98d0.jpg

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